Making Miss Tabatha Toadstool is the perfect project for an afternoon on the front porch, sipping homemade limeade, and enjoying the start of summer.
Start by gathering your supplies:
- 1 5/8” peg people
- acorn caps
- red, white, and green paint, and whatever color you choose for hair, eyes, and mouth
- wood glue
- red and white felt
- red and white thread
Cut a circle to use as a template for the cap. Mine is 1 7/8” in diameter. Make a slit to the center and cut out a smaller circle, just big enough to fit around the neck.
Paint your acorn caps red and add white dots. Let dry.
Paint the hair and faces of your peg people. Let dry.
Paint the bodies white and add a little bit of grass at the bottom. Let dry.
Glue the acorn caps to the peg people. Let dry.
While all that drying is going on, cut two circles out of your felt, one in each color. With white thread, randomly embroider French knots on the red felt.
Pin the two pieces of felt to each other and, starting on the inside, use a blanket stitch to sew the two together.
Skip to the outside of the cap, hiding your thread between the layers of felt.
Sew all the way around. Do NOT tie off your thread.
Fit the cap around the peg person’s neck.
Use a whip stitch to sew only the red felt together. Tie your thread off with a small knot and hide the tail between the red and white felt.
Turn your peg person over and repeat with white thread on the bottom. Tie off with a small knot and hide your thread between the layers of felt.
And that’s it! You’re all done. Admire and enjoy Miss Tabatha Toadstool and her friends.

I am linking Miss Tabatha up to:
All Spunk No Junk at Twig and Toadstool
Creative Fridays at Natural Suburbia
Friday's Nature Table at the Magic Onions